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xoxol.org | 05Nov2011 | Lubomyr Prytulak

Letter to Allan Ryan Jr., 05Nov2011

Subject:  John Demjanjuk
From:     [email protected]
Date:     05 November 2011 10:58:11 PM PDT (CA)
To:        [email protected]
Allan A. Ryan, Jr.
Director of Intellectual Property
Harvard Business School Publishing
Harvard University

Dear Professor Ryan:

In your book Quiet Neighbors, you describe your elation in January 1980 at the KGB supplying you with a photocopy of the John Demjanjuk Trawniki ID Card: "You son of a bitch, I thought.  We've got you" [p. 107].

Your 29 Jan 1993 testimony before the honorable Thomas A. Wiseman Jr. shows that over the years your belief in the authenticity of the card only deepened:

"The Trawniki card, if I may say so, is the most analyzed document in the 20th century.  I mean that in a literal way, between here in the trial and Israel.  It has been examined so many different ways by so many scientific tests that I can't imagine what possibly more could be disclosed from the Trawniki card that hasn't been" [p. 148].

I wonder, however, if you might wish to both moderate your enthusiasm and qualify your above attestation of authenticity after acquainting yourself with the further disclosures that the Trawniki Card has in fact yielded since your Wiseman testimony, among which disclosures can be found the following:

(1)  The "Demjanjuk" signature on the Trawniki ID Card is forged, to conceal which John Demjanjuk persecutors have rendered it illegible

(2)  It was not the German military but the Russian KGB that glued the photograph of John Demjanjuk to the Trawniki ID Card

(3)  Trawniki ID Card 1393 breaks the unwritten rule that outside and inside stamps must match

(4)  Beaded and unbeaded lines within a single stamp-imprint indicate forgery, as does hand-inscription overtop of a lightly-inked template

(5)  Kremlin forgery factories compromise the Russian archives

(6)  By the time the Demjanjuk photograph was attached to the Trawniki ID Card, the photograph was already old and worn

(7)  Irregularities in the duty-roster area of the Trawniki ID Card could be manifestations of MGB translator Z. Bazilevskaya's disaffection with Bolshevism

(8)  Two gratuitous and ostentatious patches on Trawniki ID Card 1393 could be further manifestations of MGB translator Z. Bazilevskaya's disaffection with Bolshevism

(9)  The Trawniki Id Card was never tightly folded, and shows erosion where there should be none

(10)  Stamp imprints lying on both photograph and card do not correspond and cannot be made to correspond

A more fundamental revelation than merely the inauthenticity of Trawniki ID Card 1393 is that the Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka — for whose crimes John Demjanjuk came close to being hanged in Israel — is fictitious, and that historians were, and always had been, and still continue to be, in unanimous agreement that Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka is fictitious:

Blurb biography of John Demjanjuk, so far

I wonder, then, if you would be able to comment also on the perception that you played your leading role in the attempt to get John Demjanjuk hanged for the crimes of Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka despite sharing with historians the knowledge that there never had been any Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka.

As the prosecution of John Demjanjuk continues to this day, your answers to the above questions have an immediate relevance.  If you stand by your earlier convictions, then it behooves you to refute the information that has been placed before you; if you have changed, then it behooves you to retract.  To arrive at the recognition that you have pushed a man to the brink of the gallows on the basis of one forged document along with the testimony of a handful of confabulating witnesses, but to then do no more than hunker down in silence, is an option unavailable to a man of integrity.

Yours truly,
Lubomyr Prytulak