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xoxol.org | 08Nov2011 | Lubomyr Prytulak

Letter 3 to Alan Ryan Jr., 17Nov2011

Re: John Demjanjuk
From:   [email protected]
Date:   17 November 2011 11:32:23 AM PST (CA)
To:   [email protected]
Dear Professor Ryan:

While awaiting your reply to my email, I noticed that your description of OSI involvement in the John Demjanjuk prosecution clashes somewhat with what Judge Gilbert Merritt told reporter Yossi Melman writing for Ha'aretz:

"Today we know," says Merritt, "that they -- the OSI, the prosecution in the case and the State Department -- lied through their teeth.  Even then they knew without a doubt that Demjanjuk was not Ivan the Terrible, but they hid the information from us.  I am sorry that I did not have the information at the time.  If I did, we would never have ruled in favor of his extradition to Israel."  Merritt claims that what happened in his courtroom was "nothing short of a witch hunt.  In retrospect, it reminds me of the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts 300 years ago.  The prosecution, counseled by the OSI, presented documents and witnesses whose testimony was based on emotions and hysteria, but not hard evidence.  To my regret, we believed them.  This instance is a prime example of how justice can be distorted."

Yossi Melman, Who Lied About Demjanjuk?, Ha'aretz, 14-Nov-1997

A man who prides himself on never hunkering down in silence will surely have something to say about this discrepancy?

Sincerely yours,
Lubomyr Prytulak