
Background Articles

.... [Introduction to be completed] ....

The external links below are to specific articles or html files at the UKAR website of Lubomyt Prytulak and my other website, MoZeus.

The background material below still requires critical commentary which I hope to provide at a later date.

Will Zuzak; 2001-05-29

External Links:

Trawniki ID Card critical examination by L. Prytulak
Demjanjuk on UKAR timeline and letters of L. Prytulak
Denaturalization and Deportation background by W. Zuzak at MoZeus
Wasyl Odynsky case at MoZeus
Demjanjuk ID card is a fake DEMANUK.002 file at Lily

Background Articles:

Charge No. 6, Camp of Treblinka Nurnberg, Dec. 05, 1945; Tadeusz Cyprian

Demjanjuk: Examining his human rights violations Human Rights, Winter94, Vol. 21, Issue 1, p28; A. de Zayas

TIGAR BEAT Texas Monthly, Jul95, Vol. 23, Issue 7, p72; R. Draper

DEMJANJUK: A SUMMING-UP Commentary, Apr97, Vol. 103, Issue 4, p46; J. Muravchik